Bookshelf Styling Saga
I won't lie to you...
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to styling bookshelves. If they are cookbooks, I give it the old ROYGBIV magic and walk away. Simple. But this bookshelf is intimidating to me.
I love a ROYGBIV, but I didn't want it to be aggressive, just to give it a nod. When I posted a previous of this picture on Instagram and asked people for suggestions, I got a mixed bag (as expected). Here are two previous versions...

The photo in the intro of the blog is where it currently stands. I think I need to keep playing with it - remove some plants and frames, add a couple back.
I don't love the process of styling. I find it kind of numbing, actually. I'm not blessed with the styling gene, but I'll organize the shit out of everything else.
Like the clothing!

We are planning on turning one of our guest bedrooms into a dressing room/walk-in closet (yeah, we have TWO guest bedrooms...so fancy!).
We want to live in the space for a while before we buy anything, so a closet renovation will be a post waaaaaaaaay in the future. Currently, we share a dresser and a closet, and it's working just fine. We simply weeded out off-season clothes and hung them in another closet (and also had folded clothes in bins in the basement).
All the canvas bins and risers you see are repurposed bins from our previous apartment. The shoes in this space are my favorite shoes, Kyle keeps his down by the door for convenience.

In the same space as the shared closet, we have a built in vanity - which is all the more reason to turn the space into a dressing room. This vanity has been claimed by me (sorry, Kyle). On the right side I store all my beauty products, on the left side is all hair styling tools and product.
I also cannot wait to paint this room. *sigh* The shade of green gives me anxiety, even though green is my favorite color..

The drawer organizers are from an 8 pack of organizers from Target, find them here. The acrylic drawers for jewelry are from Home Goods. One set is missing the black velvet lining, which annoys me visually, but I actually don't care because they function fine.
Stay tuned for more dressing room updates in the future, but in the meantime, you can check out the other blog posts!